Tomsk Region (general information)
Status: the subject of the Russian Federation, is part of the Siberian Federal District.
Date of establishment: 1944
Chairman of the State Duma of Tomsk oblast: Boris A. Maltsev (since 1994).
The regional center: Tomsk - 56º30 's. w. and 84º58 'c. e., distance to Moscow by rail 3,500 km. Founded in 1604
Acting Head of Administration (Mayor) of the city of Tomsk: Nikolai Nikolaichuk.
Chairman of the Duma of Tomsk: Alexander Chuprin.
Administrative divisions: in the Tomsk region includes 4 urban districts (Tomsk, Strezhevoi, Cedar, Seversk), 16 municipal districts, including 3 urban and 117 rural settlements, 576 rural settlements. Number of municipalities that have approved border territories - 140.
Geography and Nature
Geographical location: Siberia, south-east of the West Siberian Plain.
Neighbouring areas (regions): Krasnoyarsk, Kemerovo, Omsk, Novosibirsk and Tyumen regions.
Area: 316.9 thous. Km 2
Climate: Average temperature (on 08/16/2015 was) in July 19.4 ° C, in January - -15.9 ° C
Highest point: 274 m above sea level.
The lowest point is 34 meters above sea level.
The area of wetlands: 91.573 thous. Km 2 (28.9% of the territory), area Vasyuganskoye swamps - 53 thous. Km 2 (the largest swamp in the world).
Natural resources: oil, gas, wood, peat, kaolin, refractory clay, glass sand, ilmenite, zircon sand, iron ore, bauxite, lignite, zinc. Discovered deposits of gold, platinum, titanium and zirconium.
Population 08/16/2015 - 1,033,100 people, of whom about 66% - city. More than 80 nationalities. The region inhabited by minority peoples - Chulyms and chum salmon, fewer than 100 people.
The population density of 3 people per 1 km 2.
The volume of gross regional product (GRP) in 2014 - 158 218 000 000 rubles.
GRP growth in 2014 - 8.8% (to the level of 2013).
Exports in 2015 - 918 079.2 thousand. USD.
Imports in 2015 - 128 753.0 thousand. USD.
Intraregional transportation is provided mainly by river and road.
The length of navigable inland waterways of the river basin. Ob and its tributaries - about 5 thousand. Km.
Length of public roads paved 6236 km. Railways density is 19.7 km. tracks 1,000 km 2 territory. 2 district center (Alexandrov, Bely Yar) and two cities (Strezhevoi and pine) are not connected to the regional center of paved roads.
The operational length of railways is 346 km, the main highway - Bely Yar Tomsk-Taiga.
Delivery of passengers and goods (including newspapers and magazines) to many settlements only by air.
In November and March for the delivery of cargoes to the north of the area used "winter roads" (winter roads).
All times are: Moscow three hours, GMT +6 hours.
Daylight saving time takes place on the night from Saturday to Sunday last week of March, in the winter - in the night from Saturday to Sunday last week of October.
Phone code: +7 382 2 (** ** **).
Cellular: MTS, Beeline, Megafon.
Voltage: 220 V, 50 Hz: