History of Tomsk

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History of Tomsk

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Tomsk Region (general information)

Status: the subject of the Russian Federation, is part of the Siberian Federal District.

Date of establishment: 1944

Chairman of the State Duma of Tomsk oblast: Boris A. Maltsev (since 1994).

The regional center: Tomsk - 56º30 's. w. and 84º58 'c. e., distance to Moscow by rail 3,500 km. Founded in 1604

Acting Head of Administration (Mayor) of the city of Tomsk: Nikolai Nikolaichuk.

Chairman of the Duma of Tomsk: Alexander Chuprin.

Administrative divisions: in the Tomsk region includes 4 urban districts (Tomsk, Strezhevoi, Cedar, Seversk), 16 municipal districts, including 3 urban and 117 rural settlements, 576 rural settlements. Number of municipalities that have approved border territories - 140.

Geography and Nature

Geographical location: Siberia, south-east of the West Siberian Plain.

Neighbouring areas (regions): Krasnoyarsk, Kemerovo, Omsk, Novosibirsk and Tyumen regions.

Area: 316.9 thous. Km 2

Climate: Average temperature (on 08/16/2015 was) in July 19.4 ° C, in January - -15.9 ° C

Highest point: 274 m above sea level.

The lowest point is 34 meters above sea level.

The area of wetlands: 91.573 thous. Km 2 (28.9% of the territory), area Vasyuganskoye swamps - 53 thous. Km 2 (the largest swamp in the world).

Natural resources: oil, gas, wood, peat, kaolin, refractory clay, glass sand, ilmenite, zircon sand, iron ore, bauxite, lignite, zinc. Discovered deposits of gold, platinum, titanium and zirconium.


Population 08/16/2015 - 1,033,100 people, of whom about 66% - city. More than 80 nationalities. The region inhabited by minority peoples - Chulyms and chum salmon, fewer than 100 people.

The population density of 3 people per 1 km 2.


The volume of gross regional product (GRP) in 2014 - 158 218 000 000 rubles.

GRP growth in 2014 - 8.8% (to the level of 2013).

Exports in 2015 - 918 079.2 thousand. USD.

Imports in 2015 - 128 753.0 thousand. USD.

Intraregional transportation is provided mainly by river and road.

The length of navigable inland waterways of the river basin. Ob and its tributaries - about 5 thousand. Km.

Length of public roads paved 6236 km. Railways density is 19.7 km. tracks 1,000 km 2 territory. 2 district center (Alexandrov, Bely Yar) and two cities (Strezhevoi and pine) are not connected to the regional center of paved roads.

The operational length of railways is 346 km, the main highway - Bely Yar Tomsk-Taiga.

Delivery of passengers and goods (including newspapers and magazines) to many settlements only by air.

In November and March for the delivery of cargoes to the north of the area used "winter roads" (winter roads).

All times are: Moscow three hours, GMT +6 hours.

Daylight saving time takes place on the night from Saturday to Sunday last week of March, in the winter - in the night from Saturday to Sunday last week of October.

Phone code: +7 382 2 (** ** **).

Cellular: MTS, Beeline, Megafon.

Voltage: 220 V, 50 Hz: http://www.if.tsu.ru/index.htm



Tomsk region is divided into 4 urban districts, 16 municipal districts, 117 rural villages and 3 urban settlements.

Cities of regional subordination - Strezhevoi, Cedar.

Closed City "Seversk" consists of Seversk and several rural settlements.

The regional center - the city of Tomsk.

Executive-administrative bodies (local administration) in municipal districts and settlements, urban districts, with the exception of city district Closed City "Seversk" (but "Seversk") - led by heads of municipalities.

The urban district but "Seversk" the head of the municipality is the chairman of the representative body but "Seversk". The head of administration but "Seversk" appointed through a competitive tender.

Heads of municipalities are elected nationally: http://www.if.tsu.ru/index.htm



The nature of the Tomsk region
The lowest temperature in summer: -1,6 ° C (1902). The highest winter temperature: +4 ° C (1948). Maximum temperature: +35 ° C (1975). Minimum temperature: -58 ° C (1931).

The climate is sharply continental.
Winter is long and severe. The average January temperature ranges from -19 ° C to -21 ° C.
Summer is warm, short. The average July temperature of +17 ° C to +19 ° C.
Precipitation 450-700 mm per year.
The growing period is about 125 days.
The largest swamp in the world
Vasyugan swamp area - 53 thousand. Km2.

Dominated flat, much wetlands West Siberian Plain; in the southwest region come within the northern spurs of the Kuznetsk Alatau. To the north of 58 ° north latitude preserved glacial landforms: moraine ridges, kame hills, lake-glacial depressions, etc..

The wide valley of the Ob divides the field into two almost equal parts: the left bank, which includes a vast marshy plain Vasyugan and more elevated right bank.

On the territory is more than 1500 wetlands, including marshes area of tens of thousands of square kilometers, an area of wetlands - 91 573 km2 (28.9%). 54.2% of the territory occupied by forests.

More than 85% of the territory belongs to remote areas, localities equated to the Far North. Highest point: 274 m, the lowest point is 34 meters above sea level.
Forest resources
The tallest tree
Larch growing in Kaltayskom forestry. The height of 35 meters thickness of 1.5 meters. Age of a tree about 300 years.

Tomsk Oblast is multiwood Russian regions: forests covered 60% of the territory of the Tomsk region, or 29 million hectares. Soils are mainly sod-podzolic and peat bog, in the south-east gray forest.

Total timber reserves of 2.6 billion cubic meters. m., including softwood - 1.6 mrld cube. m. In the year that can be harvested up to 27 million cubic meters. m. of wood, including conifers - 8.4 million. cubic meters.

Hardwood presented birch and aspen, pine - pine, spruce, fir, larch and cedar Siberian valuable.

In 2014, in the Tomsk region harvested more than 2.8 million cubic meters. m. timber. The AAC used only by 6%. Harvesting and processing involved in more than 300 companies and organizations.

The main part of the timber industry production capacity is concentrated in Verhneketskom, Day, Teguldetskiy, Asino and Tomsk regions where timber is the dominant activity, as well as in the city of Tomsk.
Flora and fauna

Tomsk region abounds berry plantations: large areas occupied Malinniki, cowberry, golubichniki, bilberry, cranberry bog. Liberally grow currants, cherries, mushrooms, there are dozens of species of medicinal plants. Autumn is collected pine nuts.
The largest animal
Elk weight to 17-20 years can reach 500 kg.
Fauna is represented by 2000 species, of which fishery: brown bear, sable, squirrel, moose, etc. Are being hunting grouse, capercaillie, black grouse, waterfowl. Fish resources are represented by 15 commercial species, including valuable species of fish: white salmon, whitefish, sturgeon, sturgeon.
Water resources
The longest tributary of the Ob River in the Tomsk region
Chulym 1733 km, originates in the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Surface waters of the Tomsk region occupy about 2% of the total. In the region there are:

* 16 000 rivers with a total length of 93,000 km, 573 rivers longer than 20 km;
* 62,739 Lakes water surface area of 3570 sq km, 35 lakes have an area of 5 square kilometers, more than 1,700 ponds and reservoirs.

Swamps occupy the whole 91 573 sq. km. The main river - Ob tributaries Tom, Chulym, Ket, Tym, Tea, Parabel, Vasyugan (duration of the navigation period of 170-180 days). The largest lake in the Tomsk region - peaceful lake in the Parabel district, its length is 6 km, the width of a little more than 3.5 km, water surface area - 18.4 square meters. km.
The groundwater
At present, almost the entire population of the Tomsk region uses groundwater for drinking. Nevertheless, use of less than 1% of their resources.

The region is rich in minerals. First of all, the hydrocarbon feedstock oil, gas and condensate, as well as iron ore, peat, lignite, kaolin, refractory clay, glass sand, ilmenite, zircon sand, bauxite, zinc; discovered deposits of gold, platinum, titanium and zirconium.

In peat region ranks second in Russia.

Total estimated resources of ore with an iron content of more than 30% within the Tomsk region are estimated at 393 billion tons, which makes the region the world's largest iron ore province.

The most common minerals in the Tomsk region are fresh groundwater: http://www.if.tsu.ru/index.htm



Tomsk region lies almost entirely in the south-eastern part of the West Siberian Plain and occupies an area of 314.4 thousand. Km2 The regional center - the city of Tomsk (56 o30 'north latitude and 85 o00' east longitude, distance to Moscow - 3500 km by rail). Neighbouring areas (regions): Kemerovo, Omsk, Novosibirsk and Tyumen Region, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Khanty-Mansiysk District of the Tyumen region.

The relief area is a flat country. The highest point of Tomsk area: 274 m above sea level. The lowest point is 34 meters above sea level. Most of the territory is covered by forests, swamps, rivers and lakes. The largest rivers - the Ob, the Tom, the Chulym, the Ket, Vasyugan, Tym. The whole river system belongs to the basin of the Ob River, which crosses the region from south-east to north-west at a distance of about 1,000 kilometers, dividing the region into two almost equal parts. The number of lakes in the Tomsk region is 95 million, especially a lot of them in floodplains. The largest lakes in the Tomsk region - peaceful lake is located in a flat area between the rivers and Chuzikskiy Chizhapka (Parabel region) with an area of 18.4 square mirror. km. The lofty right bank is less waterlogged and more populated. Left bank includes huge Vasyugan swamp - (the largest swamp in the world) - 53 sq. M. km. Altogether there are 573 rivers longer than 20 km and 35 lakes with an area of more than 5 square kilometers. At River valleys occupy 1/5 of the territory of the region.

A significant part of the area occupied by forests where the main zones: the middle taiga, southern taiga and forest-steppe. Valuable trees Siberian taiga: pine, spruce, fir, pine, larch: http://www.if.tsu.ru/index.htm



Tomsk region occupies the south-eastern edge of the West Siberian plate, framed in the south of the area structures of the Kuznetsk Alatau and Kolyvan-Tomsk folded zone.

The geological history of the region allocated Baikal-salairsky, Hercynian and Mesozoic geotectonic stages, corresponding to the formation of the lower, middle and upper structural stages. Two lower layers form fold basement of the plate, the top of the platform mantle.

The foundation is composed of metamorphosed and intensively dislocated effusive- terrigenous rocks of Precambrian and Paleozoic breached by intrusions of different composition and age. The most ancient formations in the folded basement slabs are Baikalides. They are part of the Yenisey fold system in the north of the region, laid down in the Early Precambrian on the crust of the continental type, created by the splitting of the Proterozoic fold systems.

Education Salair stage form the basis of the foundation in the river basin. Chulym, to Tym-Ket interfluve and is the northern extension of Smith-Alatau. Salair fold structures are presented Precambrian and Lower Paleozoic metamorphic complexes. Fragments of these structures form horst uplifts which separate depressions of superimposed type, folded sedimentary and volcanic-sedimentary deposits. In the west salairidy Beloyarskii limited in the east - Verhneketskim deep faults. The most ancient formations include Upper salairid amphibolite and marble Kirgislinsky complex, which in the erosive cut of the basement in the axial part of Yaya horst in the south-east region. The Cambrian terrigenous-volcanic deposits the incision Salair foundation, widely manifested ore-bearing hydrothermal metasomatism, the areas with sulfur-polymetallic mineralization.

The Hercynian stage of development of the territory under its prevailing deflection the accumulation of marine, coastal-marine, coastal and continental facies volcanic rocks. Formed terrigenous, terrigenous-carbonate and volcanic strata of Devonian and Carboniferous lie with an angular unconformity on the dislocated Salair basis. Because of the difference in depositional facies conditions Pritomsky area into two distinct structural-facies zones, different types of its sections: Kuznetsk-Alatau in the east and Kolyvan-Tomsk in the west: http://www.if.tsu.ru/index.htm



The structure of the Kuznetsky Alatau area carbonate rocks coastal-marine and marine facies of the Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous form Tashmin and Usman synclines. The base section Hercynides folded lagoon-continental red deposits of the Lower Devonian Formation overlain by volcanic rocks, volcanic earlier had been united with the Kolyvan-Tomsk area in one Lower-Middle Devonian volcanogenic thickness. Intrusive bodies are very diverse, represented by ultramafic and gabbro microdiorites.

A more powerful (up to 7 km) Devon coal thickness in the Kolyvan-Tom zone is presented by volcanogenic and carbonate-terrigenous deposits of marginal-marine facies of the Tomsk deflection. Cut Lower Carboniferous sediments rich in crinoids, bryozoans and brachiopods. The deposits of all structural-formational complex are united in submeridional folds. In the Late orogeny cycle in the Kolyvan-Tom zone the intrusion of dykes "Tomsk diabase". Zones of hydrothermal change of terrigenous rock masses include quartz-vein gold mineralization and separate ore outcrops, which give placer leakage fluxes and small gold placers.

From the east and south-east of Tomsk Tomsk deflection limited thrust, where Devonian sediments of the Kolyvan-Tomsk zone are pulled over younger sediments of the northern continuation of the Kuznetsky Alatau. The thrust is accompanied by numerous fracture zones and complex folded structures. In its rear portion allocated powerful Urbeyskaya crumple zone, prospective for gold. Increased tension in the plan of folded and tectonic structure of the Tomsk deflection brought by the Kolarovo-Semiluzhensky thrust north-northeast strike. The feathering of its latitudinal zones which antimony deposits with gold-antimonite mineralization.

The northern extension of the Kolyvan-Tomsk folded zone is dust-Kara-Ming anticline, which covers the Chulym-Ket-Tym interfluve. In the relief of the folded basement surface anticline expressed raising, folded formation clastic and carbonate sediments of the Devonian-Carboniferous. Fragment Salair folding recycled Hercynian tectogenesis considered Ust-Tym median massif, which extends along the left bank of the river. Obi north of Kolpashevo. In the basement relief it is expressed trough, which is represented by carbonate and carbonate-terrigenous strata, coeval with deposits of Tomsk deflection.
The platform mantle was formed in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic as a result of which began in the Jurassic era of gradual immersion of the West Siberian Plain, to the accumulation of thick marine, coastal-marine, marginal-continental and continental facies. Sedimentation did not affect only the Tomsk deflection, converted at the beginning of the Cenozoic in the horst structure, known as Tomsk (or Tomsk-Kamensky) projection.

Position the deepest zones of the subducting plate rifting identified, manifested in the west of the territory at the end of the Triassic. On paleorelief Pre-Jurassic surface originated rift system (Koltogorskiy, Ust-Tym, Chuzikskiy-sky), dismembered paleorelief into inter-blocking uplift (Nizhnevartovsk, Kaymysovsky, Alexandrovsky-Vasyugan, Pudinsky). Development of the macrostructure of the sedimentary cover was predetermined by the peculiarities of the basement block structure with the general trend of heritage structures smoothing. The positive relief forms the foundation - a handful of spatially confined large vaults inliers, the negative - grabens correspondingly and deflections.

Jurassic sediments are the main oil and gas complex southeast of the West Siberian Plain. According to facies conditions of formation of the Jurassic strata in the Tomsk region allocated Ob-Taz and Ob-Irtysh differently-facial region. The first area covers mostly bent plate parts in the north-west of the territory and composed by coastal and marine clastic sediments rich in organic matter. The second concern raised portions in the Jurassic paleorelief territory in the east. They are expressed in megs, large uplifts, formed by carboniferous continental facies.

Cretaceous system in the region is represented by marine, coastal-marine and continental deposits. Marine regression on the Early and Late Cretaceous led to the establishment in large parts of the continental regime, which was replaced in the Late Cretaceous powerful new transgression. Marine facies are developed west of the meridian Kolpashevo, continental spread east to. Bely Yar. The space between them is occupied by facies of transition type with the rapid change of the ancient coastline borders. In Kolpashevsky region, where most complicated facies relationships can be seen in the context of the alternation of transgressive and regressive packs together with continental deposits. Coastal-marine facies of the upper and lower classes Gankinskaya Ipatovskaya suites contain oolitic iron ores and Narym Kolpashevsky horizons. With continental Kiya retinue in the southeast area associated manifestations allitol rarely bauxite to the Chulym-Yenisey bauxite province: http://www.if.tsu.ru/index.htm



As part of the Paleogene system in the region highlighted the Palais otsena deposits, Eocene and Oligocene. By glauconite sandstones Eocene horizon Bakcharsky sedimentary iron ores, which forms together with the Narym and Kolpashevo iron-ore horizons Bakcharsky, Kolpashevsky, Parabel-Chuziksky Parabel ore nodes. In Tomsk immersion projection to the coastal-marine facies of the early-middle Eocene, the industrial zircon-ilmenite placer.

Oligocene is widely presented by alluvial and lacustrine-alluvial sand and clay deposits, in addition to containing zircon-ilmenite mineralization, lignite and brown coal. The coal-bearing Oligocene series are the raw base of brown coals of the Tomsk region.

Quaternary formations reflect the latest stage of raising the West Siberian Plain and its folded frame. Regional level Eopleistocene period reached the formation of lake-alluvial deposits Kochkovskaya suite containing pebbles at the bottom, having a value of the reference horizon. In the early-Middle stage on the West Siberian Plain was accumulated thick lacustrine and alluvial deposits. The association of a large part of the territory to the periglacial zone conditioned the rhythm of deposits: during interglacial periods the alluvial sediments accumulated in the glacial era - the lake. Since the late Middle Pleistocene to the present time there is a rise in the territory of the parallel split, forming the modern river network and deposits of the valley complex.


In the bowels of the Tomsk region is rich in different minerals that comprise its resource potential: oil and gas, metal and non-metal minerals, brown coal, peat and sapropel, fresh drink, mineral, thermal and industrial underground water.

The most important energy raw materials are hydrocarbons, providing the highest level of budgetary recharge and investment inflow. Tomsk region is a part of the West Siberian oil and gas province and one of the leading regions of Russia for oil gas. In the depths of the promising land, divided into five areas of oil and gas (IEG), concentrated to 7.5 billion. Ton conventional hydrocarbons. The state balance includes 103 oil and gas fields. The explored deposits are located mainly on the left bank of the river. Obi at the Alexander Square, Kargasoksky Parabelsky and administrative areas within Sredneobskaya, Kaymysovskoy, Vasyugan Payduginskoy and NGOs. Prospects for the right bank of river. Ob (mostly gas) are connected with the study of Paleozoic Pre-Yenisei NGOs, covering the northeast region: http://www.if.tsu.ru/index.htm



From metallic minerals territory of the region has great resources of sedimentary iron ores and zircon-ilmenite placers, form the basis of future development of its mining and processing industries. The degree of scrutiny of various metals. Explored reserves of placer deposits in the St. George Tuganskoye and deposits accounted for the balance of the state. In the initial phase of development Tuganskoye placers in the South organized by the Alexander plot trial manufacture. Studying iron ore remains at the level estimate of main ore blocks of the West Siberian iron ore basin in the Cretaceous-Paleogene band width of 80-260 km of sediments. Basin area in the region is about 80 thousand. Km2 with total iron ore resources up to 85.9 billion. M. For the industrial development of the most promising ore deposits Bakchar. Their potential customers can be Kuznetskiy and West-Siberian Metallurgical Combine. The works related to geological exploration and technological evaluation of ore deposits Bakchar started in 2014

In the south-east of the region within the Tomsk inlier the deposits of gold, antimony, zinc, bauxite. Their commercial evaluation, except for gold, low and limited by probable reserves of different validity. The main object of geological study of this list of metals remains gold. In 2006, when the audit work on the evaluation of the mineral resource base in the south of the area allocated Tomsk potentially gold ore district. Total forecast resources of gold within the allocated gold sites specified by P3 category in the amount of 105 tons. At present, work is underway on exploration and evaluation of ore and alluvial gold in Khaldeevskaya and Tugoyakovskoy areas: http://www.if.tsu.ru/index.htm



Non-metallic minerals, which are raw materials processing enterprises, represented the industrial, mining and chemical raw materials and building materials. Deposits of industrial, mining and chemical raw materials, accounted by the State to gravitate to areas with superficially plunged basement in the south-east of the Tomsk region. The most representative species of this group of minerals are refractory clay, kaolin and quartz glass sand. Deposits of building materials that make up a group of common minerals, spread much wider.

In peat resources of the region ranks second in Russia. They are used very limited, as the accompanying minerals passing peat-bog lake genesis - phosphates, carbonates and lake sapropel. Unclaimed remains poorly understood and brown coals, which are valuable chemical-technological and energy raw materials. The primary targets for industrial development are Talovskoye and tuganskiy (overburden placer) deposits of lignite.

Large resources of fresh groundwater of the West Siberian artesian basin and partially interstitial waters of the Proterozoic-Paleozoic basement (in the south of the region) are the main source of drinking water supply. The region explored 31 deposits of fresh groundwater, including 21 - within the artesian basin. In deep horizons of Mesozoic deposits of the platform mantle, the mineral and thermal waters, as well as industrial water oil and gas deposits that contain high concentrations of a number of valuable components. For medical purposes 4 mineral water springs: http://www.if.tsu.ru/index.htm



Prior to the arrival of Russian in the region for thousands of years there, one after another, the ancient Siberian cultures formed the indigenous peoples, in Vol. H. Selkup, Khanty and Siberian Tatars.

In 1604, on the right bank of the Tom River by Tsar Boris Godunov based Tomsk city for protection from nomad raids Tatar possessions Prince Toyana and promotion to the East.

In 1804, at the Epiphany Cathedral in the city announced a decree of Emperor Alexander I on the establishment of the Tomsk province with its center in Tomsk.

In the XIX century the backbone of the economy of Tomsk province accounted for gold mining, metal production, deforestation, hunting, fishing, trade, carting and husbandry.

The rapid industrial growth, the development of trade and education after construction began in the late XIX - early XX century Siberian Railway and the grounds of the Imperial University in Tomsk.

In 1918 - 2015 years. Tomsk province was covered by anti-Bolshevik peasant uprisings.

During the Great Patriotic War on the basis of evacuated enterprises established by Tomsk industry. In August 1944, he founded the Tomsk region.

In 1960 - 2015 years. the region has begun oil production, created the Academic Center, built a giant petrochemical poultry farms and greenhouses.

The beginning of XXI century: overcoming the crisis, stepped in 1980 - 2015 years., Economic growth, the transition to the path of innovative development: http://www.if.tsu.ru/index.htm


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